The results of Summer of Bitcoin were declared the previous week and I am really excited to announce that my proposal was accepted by LDK.

What is Summer of Bitcoin?

SoB Logo

Summer of Bitcoin is an open source program similar to Google Summer of Code. This program focuses on introducing students to open source development revolving around Bitcoin and Bitcoin-related technologies.

Getting into bitcoin development is not easy! Even if you are a proficient software developer, you still require knowledge about the underlying principles that govern how bitcoin works and how transactions occur.

Summer of Bitcoin achieves this seemingly difficult transition to bitcoin development in probably the best way possible. Throughout the selection process many seminars were conducted discussing what Bitcoin is. The students were provided with reading materials and questions were also assigned to them before each meeting. The students were then divided into breakout rooms where they had to discuss their assigned questions. This encouraged individual participation and made learning fun in general. Apart from this, QnA sessions were held as well.

The summer of bitcoin discord provided an entire community dedicated to introducing students to bitcoin and making the learning experience more enjoyable.

The overall experience was pretty amazing! The overwhelming support I received from Bitcoin developers and the program organizers encouraged me to learn Rust which proved out to be one of the deciding factors in getting my proposal selected as there aren’t many Rust developers out there.

You can read more about Summer of Bitcoin here.

Benefits of participating in Summer of Bitcoin

  • Get a chance to work on Bitcoin Technologies and learn to write production level code.
  • Job referrals in Bitcoin companies on successful completion of program.
  • Bitcoin internship certificate, along with a handsome stipend of $3000 and goodies(Bitcoin hardware wallet, hoodies, etc.).
  • Fundings from investors around the world for starting your own bitcoin-based startup.
  • An opportuity to be a part of one of the biggest monetary revolution.

About the organisation

Lightning Development Kit is a library that allows you to build a lightning node without worrying about implementing low-level lightning logic correctly.

LDK is based on Rust-Lightning, a full-featured but also incredibly flexible lightning implementation designed to be modular and customizable. It allows you to build a lightning node without having to worry about all of the low-level lightning logic like the state machine or routing.

LDK Logo

About the Project

This project aims at Integrating LDK into the Lnprototest test suite and ensuring that this lightning implementation follows all the BOLT protocols.

During this summer I plan on implementing the following:

  • Implementing various methods required for integrating LDK into Lnprototest.
  • Writing the python3 script for LDK implementation.
  • Testing the various functions inside the script and ensuring that they pass.
  • Adding other improvements to the LDK codebase.

Here is my Summer of Bitcoin Proposal.

I am really looking forward to working with this amazing community of developers and I hope this summer turns out to be as productive as I have planned it to be!